If you desire to explore the Mount Nebo, Baptism Site, A-Mujib Siq Trail “Summer Time” and Sunset at Amman Beach then it is obvious that you need to be with us at Jordan Private Tours and Travel being a member of the Dead Sea tours that we organize.

The best ways to enjoy at Dead Sea
All the places included in our tours would reveal to you something extraordinary. Amongst them Dead Sea is the one, which will amaze you the most. Let us see how you can enjoy best at Dead Sea. Our Dead Sea tours would start from Amman and you will be travelling in a comfortable vehicle to avoid the heat. As you reach Dead Sea you need to enjoy, the most and that can be done if you read this passage.
Be careful having sunbath: Despite the fact that the Dead Sea zone may be one of the most secure spots to sunbathe, as it's known for restorative UVB sun radiation, don't let that trick you into not wearing your sunscreen and re-applying sometimes. We as a whole know how those sunburns can get dreadful and could destroy whatever is left of your Dead Sea tours.
Apply the mud with caution: As we reach the shore of Dead Sea during our Dead Sea tours, you will see many applying the black mud. Do not just rush and apply the mud. It is greatly advocated that you apply the mud first on a minute area of your skin, leave it for a while, and watch if there are any skin irruptions before you apply it all over.
Avoid diving: During the Dead Sea tours avoid diving into the sea. As the water has high concentration of salt it is wise to avoid the water getting into the eyes. It would be better of you wear a sunglass while having a float.

Beware of wounds: If you wish to enjoy the Dead Sea tours most then you need to beware of wounds. The Dead Sea's abnormal light water has pulled in guests since old occasions, so in the event that you are picking to appreciate this stunning common spa and God made enormous bath ala-Cleopatra and King Herod the incomparable, I do recommend checking yourself first for any injuries or nits and cuts, since it hurts.
Have gums with you: During the Dead Sea tours you need to have chewing gums with you. As you may realize the Dead Sea is situated at the most minimal point on earth, more than 400 meters beneath ocean level. So while heading there has chewing gum with you! Since the distinctions in pressure as you walk around can get uneasy particularly for kids or individuals with sinus or ear issues.

So, when you wish to explore the Dead Sea in the perfect manner do call us at Jordan Private Tours and Travel dialing +962-79-5022001.
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